I Dn't Wanna Wake Up From This Sweet Dream Or Beautiful Nightmare .
I knw this is a damn classic song that was out years ago . But i'm so in love with e' song till now & Vivian Hsu . So nicey nicey nice can ?
My life's a bore now . Wokeup from sis's call . Out to Np to meet her . Followed by Jun & Deyao . Walked ard np for dk how many milion times ._. Everywhere is e' same . Pasar Malam to buy finger food . Headed 2head to slack . Back to Np's Mac , supper & cabbed home .
I love her !
Solo time .
This is so funny ! Got to throw e' ball & hit e' paddle thus e' guy fell in e' water . Hahaha ! Me & sis couldn't stop laughing our asses off .
Pathetic dripping wet guy .
Too boliao , went to do this cute thingy .
Sis's .
Mine .
Bth those guys who action like nobody business , hor sis ? Dk what's there to action . Didn't even ask about their stuffs , ey' would auto tell us . Like i wanna know ? Please . Total turn off ._. Eh siu jiu si eh siu one la . LOL x 1000000 !
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